The first year

The first year
We know how to finance
a real estate purchase

There are many ways to finance a real estate purchase. The government also has many tax incentives and programmes.

We’re expert in those and can help you make the most of your investment dollar.

Let’s look at three examples of financing a $230,000 Condo

We’ll explain what you can get back in the first year and the impact on your taxes.

A $200,000 condo costs $230,000 after taxes. As a homeowner this entitles you to a reduction in price to help offset the taxes.
As an investor, you are entitled to receive a $10,000 rebate in taxes from the government.

Show me

Ten thousand is roughly 5 per cent of the value. Meaning if you were to put in $11,500 you are only out of pocket $1,500.
That’s right
Of course, this is just an example. The specifics will differ from case to case.
Our mortgage experts are highly trained. We have access to the best products from all lenders. This means if you’re looking for a mortgage to invest in a rental property you’ve come to the right place. We’d love to work with you.


Real estate laws in Canada are some of the strictest. If you’ll notice, the real estate fiascos south of the border do not happen in Canada. The government wants Canadians to invest in real estate and makes sure that the market is safe.